The right equipment can help ensure public health and safety at your campground.


According to a CHMGS report, cleanliness and hygiene are the most important factors travelers keep in mind when choosing a campground, especially in restrooms. 

Clean, well-maintained sanitary areas are critical to the long-term success of any campsite or RV park. Nothing is more likely to turn away a potential customer than bad plumbing, suspicious water, or insufficient waste management. 

RV park and campground owners have to invest in sanitation and waste management solutions that guarantee long-term performance for their guests. This is an area where investment clearly pays off – durable products that require little maintenance are far more valuable than cheaper alternatives.

Make sure your campground is outfitted with sanitation and waste management equipment that can provide reliable service for years at a time. Minimize the amount of work you need to do to maintain your infrastructure and avoid disrupting your guest’s stay.

Sewage Disposal and Sanitation Rules for the Outdoor Tourism Industry

US state laws are strict about how campground owners should handle waste management, sanitation, and public health. The COVID pandemic has made regulators, campground owners, and travelers far more attentive to these rules. For campground owners, this is an opportunity to demonstrate that your property adheres to the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation. 

Most US states require RV parks to discharge sewage and waste water into an approved municipal sewage system. Others may have to use a separate on-site sewage treatment system of their own. Campgrounds that accept recreational vehicles not equipped with toilets and showers must provide their own facilities and guarantee those facilities are heated, ventilated, and washable. 

Camping areas that accept RVs with self-contained waste water tanks must provide an adequate number of dumping stations for those vehicles. Many states stipulate a certain number of stations per RV camping site. For example, Minnesota requires campground owners to provide one sanitary station for every 100 RV sites located 50 feet away from the closest site. 

These rules help campground owners ensure the health and safety of their guests. They help protect campsites from wildlife and prevent the spread of disease. The better-equipped your campsite is, the more appealing it will be to new visitors. Deploying the right sanitation equipment is key to achieving this goal.

Sanitation Products for RV Parks and Campgrounds: Must-Haves

Knowing which products offer the best results for campground visitors and operators makes best-in-class hygiene possible. Campground owners who invest in durable, high-quality sanitation products enjoy years of clean, maintenance-free operation without disruptive incidents.

1.     FootLoose Sewer Cap

The moment when an RV owner has to connect the vehicle’s sewage pipe to the campground’s sewer cap is a delicate one. A small slip, a misjudgment of aim, or a moment of uncertainty can quickly lead to a vacation-ruining outcome. In most cases, the responsibility for cleaning up the mess will fall on the campground owner. 

These events often happen because sewer cap fittings require one hand to operate. At the same time, it takes one hand to guide the RV sewer hose to the cap itself and another to fit the hose to the cap. Any operation that requires three hands is prone to accidental failure. 

Foot-operated self-closing sewer caps solve this problem. Instead of requiring RV owners to juggle sewage-laden waste equipment, they can simply step on the cap to open it and connect the hose. The entire process is odor-free, worry-free, and completely intuitive. 

Installing a FootLoose Sewer Cap on your campground property is easy. There is no need for riveting, gluing, or any other kind of demanding physical effort.

2.     Grip-N-Lock Well Cap

Wells are an important water source for many campgrounds throughout the United States. Securing well water against contamination is vital in areas that lack municipal water utilities.


It’s no coincidence that the areas that commonly lack a municipal water supply also tend to be remote or harsh environments. Keeping a water source clean under difficult conditions requires durable equipment.  

Watertight, grip-locking well caps enable campground owners to ensure their well water remains clean and uncontaminated. Installing the cap is easy and requires no grouting, riveting, screwing, or gluing. It’s a cost-efficient, durable option that is simple to install. 

Ultra-high chemical and temperature resistance ensures long-lasting performance. Campground owners should invest in well water caps that will not degrade or become loose-fitting over time. The watertight Grip-N-Lock well cap is a perfect example of a sanitation product worth depending on.

3.     High-Quality Manhole Covers

Manhole covers are a critical – and often overlooked – part of the outdoor sanitation environment. A high-quality manhole ensures ease of access to the most important parts of the area’s waste management infrastructure. At the same time, it plays a role in securing that area against tampering and prevents unexpected leaks.

Whenever utility workers need underground access, they must crawl through a manhole cover to perform their task. These jobs do not tend to be comfortable, easy, or safe – a fully-suited waste management worker loses a great deal of dexterity protecting themselves against contamination. This also impacts their ability to climb ladders and open and close manhole covers. 

Cast iron is the traditional choice for heavy-duty manhole covers, but it is not the only option. Steel covers offer a greater degree of protection against the elements, while composite manhole covers can offer even greater protection with a remarkably lower weight. 

Campground owners who choose the right manhole cover earn the peace of mind that comes from knowing your waste management systems are safely accessible. When it’s time to perform repairs or adjustments, the process is far simpler than it would be with a less-capable product.

Equip Your Campsite With High-Quality Sanitation Products

It’s not enough to treat your guests to spectacular natural scenery. You must also make sure their hygiene and sanitary needs are well taken care of. RV park and campground owners who invest in durable, high-quality sanitation products can rest easy knowing that their guests have access to best-in-class infrastructure for the purpose.

By Jeyree Everly
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