It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of our company founder, William “Biff” Watts. For many of our customers, William was their first contact with our company. He founded the company in 1994 in his garage after inventing the first of our products. He was passionate about developing great products, and his deep knowledge of sanitation, water wells, drilling, and other environmental engineering challenges made him an expert worth talking to. He was also a friendly and charming man that was always happy to strike up a conversation resulting in many of our longest-standing customers also being friends.

We’d like to celebrate William’s life by sharing three things our customers may have never known about him but wish they had.

#1. William was a rodeo champion and a true cowboy.

#2 William never let his little brother win a game - ever (and his brother loved it).

#3 William was a Christian minister.

William loved the ocean, diving, and being outdoors. He was a loving father, brother, and son to a family that deeply loved him. Unfortunately, a motorcycle accident in early 2016 resulted in him having traumatic memory loss that made him incapable of running Enviro Design Products day-to-day. One of the few things that were not impacted by his memory loss was his knowledge of our products and we would frequently give him updates on the business or ask him product questions to try and keep his mind active.

Unfortunately, over time his mind continued to decline and he passed away at the age of 63 on March 10th, 2021. We will always do our best to honor his memory, respect his contributions to the company, and support our customers in a way that would make him proud.

By Jeyree Everly
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